
OK FLAMERS 2 U! first drgaun hunter: ok um well go way i dont hav time 2 respond 2 that stuff but ur not cool so stop dn read nd review the story ok! hey naruto please dont spam asshole fuk u! 2 chometplah: well wuldnt do anyting like that biut i did announce sumtong gr9! read 2 find out wat i aunnec! dats a good idea and i might do it later mayb but i dont kno. but y r u claing me goff im not but thx 4 being a fan! 2 ronan sucks i didnt have time 5spellsheck ok gawd!NOTE ABT THIS CHAPTR: OK WELL RIGHT NOW IM AT LAKE TAHOE ON MEMORIAL DAY WEKND ND MY MOM DOESNT WANT ME USING THE INTERNET SHE WANTS ME 2 "ENJOUY THE NATURE" WTF? BUT I TOLD HER I HAD 2 POST SOMTING REALY IMPORTANT SO SHE LET ME I WIL POST HE NEXT CHAPTR MONDAY NIGHT OK! ANYWAY this chaptr suks a lot becus benji made it as a part of the deal 4 giving me bak my computer tjat he would b alowed 2 right in edfred!1 ugh its so stupid nd hes realy mean 2 ronan in this it suks 1 of the worst chaptrs but its still good ok anyway read I WEA EFRED WONT CUM AGAIN!


i ran out 2 a portapotty where skura had taken a big poopie nd sniffed cooly. "mm dat bitch is so fukin especialy whe n she pooks" "RONANANNNNNNAAAAA RONANANANAAAAAA! WHERE GHE FCUK R U!" sceamd saakura "GO AWAY IM NUT HERE1!" i yeld back. "ok bye!" she left i was so dorny so i jaked off 2 a pic of her i head her tits lokd so fuking hot in the pics mmm fuk yeah mm slut ur so hit i cumd all ovr da pic so i ruined it on axident "OMG NO! NOOOO NOOOO! YYYYYYY HOW THIS HAPPNE!1!" i ran angry nd destroyed lots of tres in the sibpne fprst. "RAHHHH!1!SAKURRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH WERE R U!" "IM HERE RONAN! HELP I TRIPED ND CANT GETTUP!" so i had 2 save her! "owww my ankle its twisted oww!1!" so i pickd her up nd caried her home. we walked in2 da doko. "omg skuyra im so sory uyr jhurt is ther anyting i can do 2 he;p?" "yes pleae use ur gr8 poweful powers 2 cure my uncle" "ok i will!" nd i did her ankh was bettr becus of my fastic powers. "OMG RONA WE HAV 2 GET R SPECIAL CLOTHS 4 DA PARADE ND THEN WE HAVE 2 DO THA PARADE! CUM NOW !1! WE GOTTA GO!1" "OK!1! NOW LETS GO THEN SKURA11!" "YES SUR! KLETS GO!" OK! COME ON! LETS GO!" nd we left.

da cpouncil

"is zhe plan now in vosion?" said da sexy german councilgirl. "yes it is" said the head of the kibusi corpation. "good very good. give me a sexy kiss, ok bitch" said the oter cohnil girl 2 the german counc girl. they made out hotly. "this is aginst r xtianity" "yes i vo but we luv eachotter so stfu" nd they tuchd their others breatss nd kiss hotly more

meanwile in da shiboni town mall

"oh i think this 1 is tha best!11! leta get it!" said skura 12 me "well i guess im not gay so i dont know but as long as it looks sexy on u then ok". "OH AND RONAN WE SHULD GO 2 THA STORE 4 UR KIGN OUTFIT! ITS CALLD CLOTHS 4 SEXY GUYS 101 ITLLS BE JUST 4 U!" ok ok lets gp ovr there" so we went ovr there . "GREETINGS! HOW MAY I ASSIST YOU- NO! NOT THIS REPUGNANT DYAD YET AGAIN! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I RESIDE IN THIS CITY ANYMORE! I BESEECH THAT YOU BOTH RETREAT FROM THE PREMISES OF MY SHOP UNHESITATINGLY! GO! GET OUT! SHOO!" "hey listen u ashole edfred we just want 2 by me the clotha 4 the shib parda! y r u working here anyinta this is sexy guys stor girls r supposd 2 work here!1" "WELL, IF YOU MUST KNOW, I AM A HOMOSEXUAL! AND I WOULD APPRECIATE FOR YOU TO LEAVE HEREUPON SUMMARILY, OR IN SIMPLER TERMS, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY GODDAMN STORE IF THAT IS A VEXATION TO YOU! OTHERWISE, I AM NOT AFRAID TO USE MY DEXTERITY AS A PUGILIST IN ORDER TO PROMPT YOU TO LEAVE!" "wel i dont hav privlem wif u being gay but eew guy on guy is si gross so as long as u dont try 2 make out with me or ur boyfrind or sometingthen i guess its ok" "FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I CAN AND WILL CONTINUOUSLY OSCULATE WITH MY BOYFRIEND IF I SO WISH TO AS I OWN THIS ESTABLISHMENT!" "ok ew i dont ant 2 c 2 gAy guys make out so will go i fink" "MY BOYFRIEND IS NOT HOMOSEXUAL LIKE MYSELF, BUT RATHER BISEXUAL." "guysc cant be bi" "WELL, IF YOU WISH TO BRING THAT MATTER UP WITH HIM, GO AHEAD, FOR HE IS A WARRIOR MUCH LIKE MYSELF! NOW LISTEN, I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU! EITHER PURCHASE SOMETHING, OR LEAVE!" "ok ur jst mean nd ur biyfrinds dumb nd y did i evn let benji rite di shist1! i dont want 2 leav i dont have 2!" "MUSKOKA J TUDDRUSSEL! OUT HERE, NOW! WE HAVE TWO YOUNG MINISCULE CLODS WHO NEED TO BE CASTIGATED IN AS MANY WAYS AS IS FEASIBLE!" "Coming immediately, Eddy" nd then in wlkd sum stupid guy who was a bit talr then efrid nd was big nd muscley i guess nd stuff they both walkd from bejind the counter nd ere punhing their hands ready 2 hurt us so i put amagican forcield around us and thens we left becus we didnt want 2 hiumlate them bu dfeteating dem lol. "watevr by" so we wnet away nd i used i spel 2 summon my king outfit

layer that day

i wlkded out on2 the parade float with a sing above me hat said "best king of shibniou ever" and put on the mike. "WELL hello evry1 hows ervy1 2noight?" nd everybo chered loudly and girls cummed bcus me. "well anyway meet skura u guys" and sakuyra came outn in a big silver dress wif gold golves and gold tiara and drsss had spiks 2 on it nd she had a belt mode from flames nd leather it was so fuking hot. my otufit was realy cool 2 my king cape was mde on fire nd leather like her belt nd i wore i cool longocat 2. "anyway hav u all herd the joke abt xtians" nd evrybody said no so i told them. "well 1 day n xtian walks in2 budling nd finds out evry2 is an atiest. he says dere all gunna burn in hell" so wat den king ronan! "Well the atiests say: we dont believe in hell. so i guess well just hav 2 burn in flames here!" (GET THAT FLAMERS HAHA!) eevry1 lauhd historically. evry1 held up signs about how much they luved me. "well evry1 i hav an acountcent!" "WHAT!" "well. 2day nombody can anymlre be a fencittying agnostic since they r stupid nd just as bad as xtians!" "YAY!" just then an evil dumb man came up and SHOT ME!" "" i scrmed slowly as i fell down nd evrybody was creaming nd flying. tadhsiharakmuai came over nd chekd my pulse. ",LADIES ND GENTLEMTN1! I JAVE N ANOUJCTMENT111 THE KING OG SHOBMI... IS DEAD!" everybody went sad crazy and even taline was there in the audience crying. nobody knew wat 2 do i was dead 4 now!


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