Because this fanfic couldn't be more of a terrible Cliché Storm, we have made this Drinking Game to embrace this. Use nothing alcoholic unless you feel like you need it. And at some parts, you will.
- Take a shot every time a word with two syllables and 6 letters is spelled correctly.
- Take another if it's three syllables.
- Take a shot every time Coitus Ensues when they should be fighting.
- Take a shot for every Curb-Stomp Battle.
- And two shots if it lasts for more than three paragraphs.
- And down the whole bottle if it's not a curbstomp battle.
- Take two shots for every time Ronan loses or gets captured (it happens). Down the bottle if it's somehow believable.
- And two shots if it lasts for more than three paragraphs.
- Take a shot every time Ronan gains a new weapon or power. Take another if it's from a fictional series besides Naruto.
- Take a shot every time Ronan or one of the girls is tied up or chained.
- Take a shot for every Big "NO!" or misspelled variant thereof.
- Take a shot for every Take That.
- Two shots if it's about something Benji likes, or to Benji in general.
- Take a shot every time Jake says that they reviewers don't know anything, or asks "wut do u kno?"
- Take a shot for every Freudian Slip.
- Take a shot for every Moral Event Horizon crossing by Ronan or the author.
- Take a shot for every "smart" remark against homosexuals.
- Two shots when he fails to understand how it works.
- Take a shot every time a bisexual woman is mistaken to be a lesbian.
- Take a very small sip for every time Jake brags about himself or his shitty story. (We don't want to kill anyone)
- Take a sip every time he talks up Ronan as a character. Take a shot every time a character does it in-universe. Take two shots if said character is one of Ronan's enemies.
- Take a shot for every Incredibly Lame Pun.
- Two shots if the explanation doesn't insult the reader after around chapter 20.
- Take a shot every time readers and critics are insulted during the story.
- Take a shot every time someone dies and gets better in convenient time.
- Take an even smaller sip for every moment of Irony or hypocrisy. (Again, we do not want to kill anyone.)
- Take a shot for Edfred's Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness.
- Take a shot for Madara's Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe.
- Take a shot when Jake decides to spell words like "great" and "before" correctly instead of writing "gr8" and "b4".
- Take a shot for every sexist line. Two shots if it's not painfully blatant.
- Take a shot for every pointless line of anti-religious bitching. Two shots when he doesn't get his facts straight.
- Take a shot for every time a character's name is put where
another character's name should be. (Like Sasuke and Sakura, at one
- Take two shots for every time Jake's name appears instead of Ronan's.
- Take a shot for every new fetish is introduced.
- Take a shot for every time you beat your head against the wall. Of course, that varies between different people.
- Take a shot for every Wacky Wayside Tribe.
- Take a shot for each Hand Wave of Insane Troll Logic.
- Take a shot for each childish word battle. (If it lasts for more than four sentences)
- Take a shot for Jake's wangsting and whining about his family.
- Take a shot for every time Ronan randomly kills someone.
- Take a shot every time Ronan rapes someone.
- Take a shot when Ronan engages in a threesome. (Or more than three)
- Take half a shot every time Jake fails to realize how sex or the reproductive system works.
- Take a shot for each time Jake completely misses the reviewer's points and makes himself look like an idiot.
- Take a shot for every review that contains a "The Reason You Suck" Speech against Jake.
- Take a shot every time a character comes Back from the Dead, and another if the reader is not supposed to see the death as permanent. Take two at the end of the fic for every character who has died once and stayed dead.
- Take a shot every time an event that happened more than 10 chapters ago receives a Call Back.
- Stone yourself dead when the canon characters actually act like themselves.
- So unless the planets align with the dark rift and the sun on the night of a full moon's total solar eclipse on a blue moon when a black hole forms in the same should be fine.
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