Teh New Knig

ok well watevr fuckrs this is a good fuking story and u guys dunt kno fuking shit tou fucking assholes fuckers. 2 unamed i wont stup wriing autorhers notes unles ther r 2 many flams but rite now i only hav 143 revs i need more HELLO PPL LPLES TELL OTERSASBT THE FIC ITS GOOD ND IF THEYR GIRLS THEY LOVE IT IT WILL GET TYHEIR CUNTS DRIPPING WITH JUICE! wel watvr yoi is grosh o i wunt lput it in her and jst 4get abt the critism i dont desrve it and i wint listen the strya is god nd getting only bettr so fuk off! I M NOT A NASI AND IM NOT A STABINIST satn dosnt ezist i am n atiest duh. my bst frend danny who i wrot int he story (i hop ur still readin danny!) is block and ther r lots of mexicans at my school and 1 of them is a realy good frend and tina is mexicon 2 i am nut a nazi i jst tink guy on guy is rely fuking gross and i katie is jewish btw so der but u kno who is a nazi DARAGONHUNTER IS SHE JUST SAID SHE AAS! now 2 drafonhuntyer watvr no they werent they r fans so fuk off dragonhunt. RONAB is not a replicant of nruto c i bruth naruto back. ok well weatevr i liv in LOS ALAMITOS, yes i gut n a haha bicth. ok well yes i gues sh is bisexual but lezbian just sound hotter so fuck off. well da gils woud hav fuckd me if it wsnt 4 benki nd my prants i 1nce had sex with a 18 yr old girl she lovd my realy bog cunt dick. yes it ws a stypo ok so ko. now nt 2 as king i am not kiling da gay gys nd d rielogus jst ppl who dont likie good music is der anyting wrong with that i gues but i wil chng it a bit 4 someting bettr

oh y i gut benji 2 rite sum mor of edfred i dint want 2 but he begd me 2 let nd becus i am wesome i did hha fuking fag benki, o and kati isnt grunded anymore! she wil probbly post art two of her fic soon ok guys. i hjop i get 2 fuk dat bith soon/


TALINE AND MDROA WERE THERE AD RRADY 2 FIGHT AND THEYVSTRED 2 TALK 2 US! "SO THOU IS FAMUS NOW WELL NOW THY IS GONNA BE FAMUS... AND DEADETH!" (lol) "WE HAVETH THA PROHECY" and he showed us the prfecy frum a crtal balls" dat was made long ago and a big sexy cogars voice came from da csryal ball we culd c her big sexy red lips in da crystal balls nd seh said "mmm fuck yea the sexy ronan one shall be the one 2 destory the world at midnigt and he will b the on 2 destroy the-" but it cut off! naruto had strarted 2 fuight then and we joined in! "WE DO NOT HAEVTH TIME 4 THIS NONSENSE!" yelled madra "whohahahahhahaha ys we di not! you will dsestroy the world nd u kno it! muahahahha!" siad talina. "NOOO I CANT THAT CANNOT B TRUE!" "Y JBO IUT 2 B! MUAHAHAHAHAH" saud tghem both 2gther! then they flew away!

da next mornin i wa rely horny but wen i wok up ther were phtograhsers tking pictufs of me my big dik wa out and the girl phtroahgrer was driping juice from hr cum i strated 2 jak off my dick and i cumed on her camrs ruining it "haha bioch now u cnt hav pics!1!" and dem i threw her off the baloney. "mm hey baby u looks sexy omg ur cpck is so fuking hot how r u right now?" "mm bitch i am good how abt u" "i am good my cunt is steamy and wet right now pls finger it ok please ues now you will" "mm fuck yeah and i stuck my fungr in2 her cunt it was leaking so much jice and it was hot and stemy on the inside i fisted hr hard den put my secnd fist in there and rolled them around inside she moaned in plejure "ouhhhh ronan mmm fuck yes jake mmm" "oj waot we hav 2 stop i 4got i had anew speech s king 2day" "ooh yeay lets fucking go" so we walkd 2 tha stadum wher id bi ve my speeh.

"hello ppl who liv in shibobi natin!" evry1 in tha croud crapped snd shouted and the girls pussy strted 2 leak cuntjiice" "well anyway 2day i caled u all her 2 annunce new laws and hcng sum from yestdray . "2 da ppl who were sentced 2 deth 4 lijiung modern shitry music u will now njust be put in jail 4 life but eanybody who is in a popular modrn band except 4 me and sakura will be killed sorry" the croud cheered and holered. "ok nd i guess da gay guys can hav sex but onlu ag der homes and no gay clubs or guys kising it public ew dats fuking gross i dont want 2 c dt shit nd thats all also we wil be destrying all da churhcs in town ok!" nd eveyfrbody clapped and loved me/ (C U GUYS I AM TOLERANT RIGHT UHUH) we walkd from da stadum 2 da shinogi car delarspi when we weur walking dthere we saw buldozers demolsihng churchs the exposi1on were so fucking cool i got an eruption den we wur at the car place "HELLO A1ND WELCOME TO MY AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP!" it was Edfred1! "ohnonotu fGOot ashole agin" "NO! NOT YOU TWO RUFFIANS AGAIN! I AM ALREADY IN REPLETE OF YOUR SHENANIGANS! DECAMP YOURSELVES FROM MY STORE YOU FOUL TROGLODYTES!" no wd rnt gona fuking leavewe want sum fuking cars ashole fuck" "FINE! PURCHASE WHATEVER YOU WANT! JUST RELINQUISH YOURSELVES FROM THIS PLACE AS SOON AS IS FEASIBLE!" we went round the car lot nd found awsum cars we bught sum hummors feeraries lmgbrhoghinis and lots of fancy sports scars and stuff it casted a milion dollars be what tht anywa so we bought it. "Dis is wat we wont let us hav it or u fuking die" "GIVE ME YOUR CURRENCY." so we gav him da money. "NOW PLEASE, PROMPTLY DEPART FROM HERE, YOU PHILISTINES!" dn we left wit r cars nd shit it was so awsum.

wen we got bak 2 da doko naruto was there nd he was mad at me. "RRRAHHHH! WHAT R U DOIN WIT ALL DOSE CARS?" "i got tem wit my inheretince and im da new shiboui king duh fucker" "NO! Y IS UR COCK SO FUKING BIG! MUNE IS TINY! UR MUSCLES R HUG 2! UR MORE POWERFUL ND BETTR AT EVRYTING THAN ME AND UR FUKING SAKURA MY GF! I HATE U! U FUKING SUCK!" "wtf is ur porblem dude" "GRRHAHHHH!" he punched me!1111111! nd ran out crying like tha lite emo pussy boy he is "IM GONNA GET BACK AT U RONAN!1 ULL C!" "omg wat culd he mean" said sakyrua "i dont kno i jst dont fuckin now whore" i said nd we WENT 2 BED!

OK! DAT WAS CHAPTR 211 THINS R GR9 ND GETING GR8ER! thanks 2 my fans nd da sluts who rub there cunts 2 dis! iluv all u fukin whores and fuck off agin flaming dumbies! CAHPTER 22 MIGHT CUM UP ON SATURDYA OR SUNDAY I DONT KNO OR MAYBE NEXT WEEK WELL C OH AND DANNY I

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