shool is stratin 4 ne nxt week so im gona try 2 yupdat us much as i can unti teh
day b4 scool cums.
"hey u cant tel us wat 2 do ashole! dis is OUR LIF NOT URS!" "BUT UR R PIRSONRS! NOW CUM WITH ME THERS GONA B A WHORING ON UR RONG BEHAVOUR!" i was rely mad dat dis dum xtian guy 4 telin us we shuldn hav sex i bet he ws a virgin hahaloil. so we wkd 2 da ciur room were ta herin was gona b. all da condul cam out. the grmna woman stod up nd statrd 2 speak "U VAVE VEEN CHARGDED VITH VUKING DURING VHE VOURTNMENT! VOT DO VU VAVE 2 ZAY?" sge askfd. "NOTING! WE R STONG MATUR REBLES OK! ITS GOOD ND TNTURAL ND RIHT 4 US YUNG TENS 2 HAV SEX! I BET UR AL; 4 ABSITNCE OR SOMETING!" "muahahahhaha WE R 4 ABSITENCE!" sad da brunet woman wule da redhaired guy smild evily agrein wif her. "NO! ABSTNECE IS RONG! AL TENS SHULD B HAVINS EX! ITS COOOOL ND GRON UP 2 DO IT! ONLI LOSRS DONT HAV SEX AT DEENS! LIKE DIS GY BEBKI I KNO BUT ANYW!A!" "GRAH!1 STOPUSIN UR LOGIK ON US! IT HRTS R BRANS! NOW CUNCIL HAV WE RTECHD DECIONS?" skd da rehdred man. "VES VE VAVE" sad da grmen slut. "VE VIND DA VEVNPMENTS GUITY!" nd tey all laffd evily.
da nxt day it was teh nxt round of teh torumnbtent. tere wer onli me kakshi nd anti left. "we; wel glad 2 c evry1 els is STILL ALIV!" sad da brunte. "TUME 4 UR CHALGNE!1" nd a glas dor opend behnd her s we welakd in. tere was a beah so atni tore of her clos nd ran 2 out "OMG A BECH I LOVE EM1!" but ten "AHH AHH OHHH IT BRUNS!" it turnd out da watr was ACID! "oh no wat r we gona do" sad kashaki, ten i lokd up nd saw elctirc wirs so i jimpd real hi nd grabd aloled of 1 nd ten stood on it startd 2 slid acros the sea of acid nd sprks flew on teh wire enti nd kashi wer folowin me btu havin ahrd time slidn lik i was. but we stil kep ruing even wen GIONT ACID SHARK TINGS LEAPED OUT OF TA ADIC C ND TRID 2 KILL US! but ten he wirs startd getin lowr nd landed on n lisnad in teh acdi sae so we wur ok. on the osland tere was a dor tere so we opend it teh room was blak nd realy quit. "its quet 2 guiet" i sad nad ten i herd a screm nd ten the lihts came on nd KAKSHI WAS DED! so den i herd a voic ovr introcom it was eh gry hard man "muahahah wel wel poor ckakshi o wel teh darknss chooss who it wish! he was teh victim so ye well u guys bettr RUN AS FAST AS U CAN 2 TAT DOR ON TEH OTER SID OF THE ROM OR ELS ANOTER 1S GONA DY WEN LIGTS GO OF!" we both ran as fat ad posibl "10 9 8 7" sad da introcont "HURRY!" i yelld bak but then atni scrmend "UCH! RONA I BROK A NAIR!" "watevr bitch getova it!" "o ur right rona srory hah!s" so sh kept runin "653 42" nd we mad it 2 the door "210!" it yeld but wer were ok cuz we wer thru the door.
on teh orer sid of the dor the coimco; was tere. "fuckin SHIT ASSSSBITCH!" yelld th bron haired woman "STOP WINNIN FUCKR!" "I CAN HELP IM SO FUKING GR8 ND AWSUM SO STFU!" dat got teh council rely mad so tey all pulld at tan colrd PAPR FANS WIT ABLAK CROSS ON TEM! "U STFU NOW OR WEL CUT U 2 PEICES WIF R POWRFUL FANZ!" "watevr i culd stop u losrs!" "RAHH!" dey ran at me but i put a forcsheidl arund us nd me nd atni ran 2 our bunk.
"well rona ewer teh onli 1s left in da toruentment now! wonder whos gona win?" "lol i tink u kno atni!" "bUT I DONT WAN 2 DI!" "dont wopry i hav a plan jst trust me k?" "alrit lol anya i got anoer supise 4 u!" "ok let me c" "alriht brb" nd wen she came bak she was rtses as a sezy jaoanese maid d she had a dustr 4 dusting nd big glasss on 2. "com ovr her slut" i sad nd she jumpd in my bunk "godam im so hrony right now fuk my god pusy" she sd so i liftd her skit nd her patnies wer so wetntey wer sokkaing so i ripd tem off nd chewed on tem geting da pissy jioce from them. "mmm bab gona eat u out GIRL" so shovd my fac in2 her cunt ew she hadnt washd it in a whil but godm it was so good smeld lik in nd out burgrs quefs and licroise godamn it just tats so god."GIME GIMME MORE"" i yeld 2 her so she opnd her vagin up a ton nd i shovd my foot in2o it nd foot fuckd her whil she suckd my coc. i got my hol leg n2 her vagin nd ten she cam all ovr my leg so pi pulld out nd i was reyd 2 cum 2 so i pulld mycck from he rmout nd jizzd on her glasses she was werin tere was so much cum tho it covrd teh glassd nd ruind her miad ouftit. "oh yes so much cum mmmm yes"" she sa nd took of her glasses nd ate them 2 get a goowd tast of da cum.
REND OF CHAPTR 54! CHEPTER 53 CUMIN SOON! hop ervy1 is luvin how its goin! (of curse u r LOL!)
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