ok godmanit now i hav 2 do anoter autors note 2 u FUCKERS BUT I WILL TRY 2 KEEP IT short. 2da spammer MARODA IS MADRA I JST MISPLEED IT ON AXIDENT unname watevr i nut gong 2 pay attention 2 u! ITS MY STORY NPOTS URS AND ITS MY LIFE I CAN COMPLAIN IF I WANT 2! tge rporter of critics united fuck u i reportded u! blu shmettering DONT U EVER INSTULT SHE IS NOT DIUMB OK WELL MAYB A BIT BUT UR STIPUD! ME; i do ihav fans ur just jelus becus i have 120 reviws!2 otaku and pirwta man i go on trips alot becus my parents r dum but they make a lot of money i mean duh we liv in los amolitos its in da oc idit and i go 2 scool nd get realy good grads! ruuragner wjp da fuck is salirkiler and i dont car ebat da others nd wat u thinl!111! I WILL NOT STUP MY STORY OTS MINE AND IT WILL END WEN ITS TIME WHICH IS A LONG TIME FROM NOW ITS GONA b AT LEAST 30 CHAPTRS but mayb more like 60 den i might it end there or it maybe it culd go 2 100 i dont kno i havent cunted it out and stuff so FUK OFF! 2 shihazuchan i had my broter landon spelchek the titles so stupid gramer nazis wuldnt cum in here 2 flame me but OBIOUSLY DAT TIDNT WORK!1! GO AWAY BENJI! wtf is a ron tha deth eater and drago in lether pants NOW 2 U DRAGIHOTER! watevr dunt u call me an idit ur da udiot,,,, i widtn hav sex wit a dragon they rnt real plus dats gros to fhav sex wit animlas1 o yea well look it dis chaptr and note how many times did i use da f bomb not very much huh whore! o yea well u jst go 2 da adolscent sexuaity pag on wikepdia and looka t da statics on kid who hav sex b4 15 WE R HERE AND MATURE LOTS OF EURPEANS DO IT AND DER SOPISTICATED SO HAHA and yed i am making a good read cant u fuking tell its fuking good u jst dont kno how 2 red dats wat! they wuer nut fake urs stupid! se i got dat reviws from hotlezbian she liks it dat skank. i get angry ITS MY RICHGTAND ITS NOT ALWAYS DA SAME THING THEY JOIND A ROCK BND AND HAD CONCERTS DAT WAS VERY DIFRENT AND DEN THEY HAD 2 ORK 4 ORICIMUTADORA in a rice field c dats all diferent!11!1 lots of of that stuf was awesome SO THERE AND NO TNAT DRAGIM WAS MIT I ! AND ID DI ANSWER ur reliogn questin rielogn is bad becus it kids lots of ppl atiests like me nevr did stuf like dat dont u kno anyting keex. AND HOW DAR U REPOT ME U TRAOTR BICH! I REPORT U HAHA1!
okk now 4 tha sotry1! nothing realy excitng hapend dis wek so i cant real talk abt anyting it suckd fuck! anywqa this chaptr is the best 1 yet its awesome and lots of cool stuf hapen in it and thers a chsocking twist ending ull nevr believe!
chapter 18: The Chase
muahahahahahah i am here 2 kill all" said talien. "u cant do this to us u fucking cunt!" yelld sakura but taline came coser 2 uz and wus ready 2 kill us until... lighting cam ouit of da sky! it struk tliana and she fell down jurt so we kept runing s fast as we xuld "quick we must runm!" i yelled and wqe did. "ROAHHHHHHHHH! U SHALL NOT ESCAP RONAN! I SHAL KILLETH U B4 THE NIGHT IS OVA!" and he three knivs at us and they almust hit us bit didnt so we wur ok/ it was very dark outsid and it was scry 2 sakrau she dint ike it becus it was scray. we ran 4 houyrs frm den but dden sakura triped on a bruce and i yelled "NOOO! SAKURA!" and went bak 2 help her she culd not get up by herself and she was all cov4rd in mud it looked very sexy. i gut a boner and then talian came so i punchdd her with my hug dick and she went flying in da air way from us and we kept runing ny boner was bouncing up and dunt on the ar and skyras huge double L cup tits were bouncin 2 her nupples were realy hard amd pointy out of her shirt they were like hard cocks drippng muilk like dicks dfip cum but not realy becus taht would be fuking gay and im not u fuckers. madora yelled "U R DEAD! and we kept runing but then i telproted us out of there so wer we ok?
we landed in tha shobini village near da dojo it was dakr and stormy night out. "jake im skared lets go!" "ys i kno saura its very skary with thewind and raina nd lighing but hey sakyra lets go do som stuff" meanwhile bak in ths forest modrag scramed "! HE HAS ESCAPE FROM OUR CLUCHES! HE SHAL DIE! WE MUST FINDETH HIM TALINE!" "yes mastr we huld find him. now let me suk ur cock' and i could sense she was suking his dick it hurt me so much how can she suck a dick not mine that fuking whore i was going 2 kil her wen we met ahain! "ok lets go do sometin sakura" "ok" she said so we went 2 tha shigogi video store. "welcome 2 tha bst vide store in japshiboni we hav evrything includign porn eceot gay porn bcuas that is gross now go look". we walkd aorund da video stor and we dicded 2 get lota of stuff. firat we gut trafsnormers 2 becus it is awesom and then we got da boondick snats (bst movi ever) snd the fsst and furious met da sportans and i hop dey srve ber in hel (gr8 movi and book!_. saruka puled out some movies tey were polp fction vetigo tax river and blad runer nd also som silent movise "wat da fuk is dat shit sakhra! dos movis suck!" (FUCK U BENKI 4 MAKING WATCH THOSE! they were all boring and there werent hot chiks or lots of action fo fuk off!). den we wne t 2 da porn secutons and got "tight pussy lesbian sluts sucking dick" and "jizz on my glasses 4" and "i need to fart 8" they r som of my favorite porns and they r vry good. we den lefty tha porn area and walkd 2 tha dor then tha stor clork said "hello u cnt go out yet u stealrs u hav 2 by stuff" "NO I dont hav 2 by it i am aginsty tha capitlist machine and i will nut buy this!" den i killd him ad sakura cheered sp den we ra out of da stor staling da stuff. (lmao danny katie and tina hope u readin dis remembr the time we went in2 tha 7 11 and stol dat stuff? dats wat dis was sinrpied by rofl)
so ten we wne tout 2 eat and got in and out burgers and then went home and ate and watched da oirn. i jaked off 2 da porn and cummed on her burger and fries and sakura ate it "mmm dis is delicoush ronan thank u 4 tha cum sir" "ur welCUM slut" (roflmao) then all of a sudden a magical note appeard and it said that we wur invited 2 attend a ball. "wtf fuck dat shit balls r 4 fags get it?" "o ronan i wuld luv 2 go 2 a bal!" "well ok but only if u dress sexily" "i will trust me" and we should fuk in front ov eevrybody dey can se my huge cock" "mmm baby dat sounds hot lets do it!" so we strated 2 prpear 4 da shobini ball. bak outside tha hous THERE WERE A OAUR IF GOGGLES LOOKING AT US AND THEY WERE BUNOCUMER GOGGLES... IT WAS TALIANA AND MADRA AND THEY WERE SPYING ON US READY 2 CUM AND GET US BUT DEN MAODRA SAID "NO WE shall waiteth 4 tha ball! muahahhahhaaha" then talinea said "u r briiant master muahahahahhaahhahahahahah!" as suked his cock i could feel it and i knew someting wad wrong but we were going 2 tha ball anyway!
hey fuckers theres chapter 18 fasnatic right hih fuck off flamed anyway ected 4 chaptr 19 and 20 right becus tjey rc cumming soon 2 get ur pussies soakin wet bitchcunts!
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